Map and Prioritize Value Chain Emissions
While measuring and prioritizing value chain emissions reductions can be a complex and challenging task, it is also an opportunity to create new business values, build stronger relationships with stakeholders, and contribute to a more sustainable future.
Value chain emissions are greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated by a company’s upstream and downstream activities, including its suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders. This includes emissions from activities such as the production of raw materials, the transportation of goods, and the use of products and services.
It is important to identify relevant categories of Scope 3 emissions for your company, collect data, and identify hot spots. Once hot spots are identified, you can dig deeper and uncover more information about your value chain emissions and create a plan for reporting and a strategy for emissions reduction.
It is often impossible to achieve ambitious emission reduction targets without reducing value chain emissions. Thus, it is critical that your company assesses its Scope 3 emissions and develops a reduction strategy to support your net zero goals.
The following action steps provide more insights on mapping and prioritizing emissions reductions throughout your value chain.