What’s New: Embedding Nature in Your Net Zero Plan

The cost of ecosystem collapse? A $2.7 trillion hit to global GDP by 2030. The effects on business would be significant. Global supply chains are already feeling impacts as water shortages, deforestation and other stressors from human activity mount, causing potential business continuity disruptions. 

There’s another path: integrating nature-positive goals into your business net zero strategy. Nature action boosts climate mitigation, which can also help secure business longevity and provide a competitive advantage. By aligning your business with nature, you can enhance climate performance, drive innovation and secure long-term growth.

Go Deeper: A Pathway for Success

No company can tackle nature challenges alone, and our comprehensive Nature-Positive Pathway can guide your sustainability team in identifying their role in the solution.

Learn First-Hand in Our Webinar: We’re holding a webinar with Pure Strategies on how nature-positive strategies can strengthen your climate initiatives and best practices for integrating these principles into your Scope 3 management.

Weathering the Storm: Managing Physical Climate Risks for Business

With record-breaking heat, severe flooding and wildfires disrupting lives in the U.S. and across the world, this summer has been far from “normal.”  Business as usual is changing as a result, and companies now must react to energy volatility ⚡, infrastructure damage ⚠️, supply chain disruptions 📦 and more. Companies with and without direct physical assets face climate risks in their supply chains, but addressing these risks offers significant business opportunities.

The time to act is now. The business case for safeguarding against physical risks to supply chains is clear. We have a new explainer on the 3 ways climate risks are increasing costs for businesses and what sustainability professionals needs to know.

💡 Environmental Climate Justice Considerations for Long-Term Resilience: As companies manage their physical risks, it’s crucial to recognize the disproportionate impacts that extreme weather events have on marginalized groups, like low-income communities and communities of color. Prioritizing efforts in the communities where your company operates can help mitigate these harms. This involves investing in infrastructure improvements, supporting disaster preparedness and recovery and engaging in community-centered planning.

Introducing “The Scope 3 Playbook: Mitigation Strategies for Companies”

Join us this Fall for a new webinar series on reducing value chain emissions with the Net Zero Action Accelerator and Race to Zero. Designed especially for sustainability and procurement professionals, there will be something for everyone in this holistic series on Scope 3 emissions. Stay tuned for an upcoming newsletter that does a deep dive on this essential new learning opportunity.

That’s all for this month. See you next time!

View from the sky of a road surrounded by water and trees.

Start Your Journey to Net Zero: Find a Pathway

How do you get buy-in to set a net zero goal? What happens after you’ve made a climate commitment? How do you start tackling emissions in your operations or supply chain? Follow our pathways to access actionable guidance on accelerating your company’s net zero journey.

A team of various colleagues all huddled over a table with documents discussing and reviewing them.

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