Reduce Value Chain Emissions

Manage Key Issues: Transport

Transport companies have a diverse range of suppliers, customers, and partners. Their activities can contribute significant Scope 3 emissions to your overall carbon footprint. Working with the stakeholders in your value chain is key to achieving your sustainability goals and managing climate transition risks.

The primary sources of value chain greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions will vary from transport company to transport company. Some common emissions hotspots include contracted third-party transport services, upstream transport and distribution, employee business travel, and the end use of goods (if your company is a freight carrier).  

Working with your suppliers and your internal teams to reduce these emissions can improve the resilience of your value chain to climate transition risks, such as rising fuel costs or regulation that affects high emitting activities. It can also lower costs and signal your demand for low- and zero-emissions goods and services, which will demonstrate climate leadership.  

The following action steps provide more insight on managing the key issues for transport companies related to emissions in your value chain.